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A common strategy for building practice is to sign up for every Medicaid, health maintenance organization (HMO), and preferred provider organization (PPO) plan available.  Cash flow is cash flow, and when you have to pay your bills, maintain payroll, and keep your lab coming to pick up your cases, you need to get those dollars…

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4 team challenges of being a hygienist

You can find this original article on where I am a contributing writer. As a hygienist, it’s common to experience challenges working within a team. And when you want to be liked by and friendly with your teammates, it can be hard to know what to do when you run into certain situations. How…

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Clinical Commandments

For your day-to-day operations and those times when you’re bringing in another doctor as an associate or temporary staff to cover vacations, your patients deserve to have minimum standards that are consistent within your organization. When there is a lack of minimum standards, chaos grows for patients as they are diagnosed by one doctor and…

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How to improve your confirmation process

The confirmation process is at the heart of any successful practice. Without solid, unwavering, and detailed plans, patients fall through cracks, which can send teams into tailspins of stress as your practice’s revenue plummets. The mistake teams make around the confirmation process is that they care more about the patients than they do themselves. By…

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Common Frustrations

Hygienists think they communicate every day, and yet when asked what is the most challenging thing about dentistry, many of them say, “Team communication!” Communication is a complex and delicate process. To say one communicates with others and then still complains about the level of miscommunication says something about the kind of communication occurring and…

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Welcome to the most wonderful time of the year when parties, family gatherings, shopping, baking, eating and indulging are all part of the magic of the holiday season. Unfortunately, all that fun is often replaced with the stress that we put on ourselves thinking that we have to get everyone the perfect gift, attend every…

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You’ve worked hard all year, and you deserve time off during the holiday season. Most dentists find themselves working longer hours and more days in the lead-up to holidays to accommodate their patients’ desire to get a year’s worth of work completed before their insurance benefits lapse. You take the onslaught of patients now for…

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Keep Your Head Above Water

I wanted to share with you a conversation I recently had with Tony Edwards, editor of Tony was feeling overwhelmed and stressed after a large event that took so much of his time that other tasks were neglected.  He was feeling like he couldn’t keep his head above water, so I shared with Tony…

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