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Assumptions plague the doctor-patient relationship because “dentists don’t feel comfortable talking about money,” said every doctor ever. After a brief hiatus from writing for I’m returning as a contributing author and very excited about it. In my newest blog, I talk about the biggest obstacle dentists have with case acceptance, which is that they…

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As dental professionals sometimes we forget our job includes education.  Even though many patients are aware of what we do, they don’t always practice it.  It is important that we make a lasting impression on our patients so that we see positive results and progress at their next visit.  The biggest assets that we have in…

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Holiday Stress

The holiday season is upon us and so too comes our visions of sipping hot chocolate in front of a blazing fireplace while listening to the yuletide crooning of Bing Crosby dreaming of a white Christmas. But just as quickly as those visions appear they vanish; overridden by the enormous stressors we impose on ourselves,…

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Crazy Patients

You don’t like to work with patients that don’t pay bills. You tell your front desk not to schedule patients that are shopping around. Patients with piss-poor attitudes should be dismissed rather than treated, and when someone doubts or corrects your recommended treatment it totally stresses you out. At the end of the day when…

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“I dread going into my office. There’s no fun in it and people are there just to collect a paycheck.” This quote from a doc sounds like most other practitioners I talk with every day. Work has turned into a daily grind, which adds to the pressure, stress and thoughts of doubt that you made…

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One of the most common questions I get is, “How do I know my stress levels are too high?”  It is a great question to answer because if you knew when you’re levels are high then you could start to do something about it before you surpass your stress threshold.  It’s especially important to understand…

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In my previous column, I identified and talked about the main reasons the holidays stress people out. In summary, often our fantasies and fairytales of the holidays get crushed by the predetermined outcomes we impose on them. Now I will talk about the top four ways and specific applications you can utilize to have a…

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Holidays Stressing You Out The holidays mean different things for different people. We all experience and celebrate in our own ways; threading in various traditions, scheduling festive occasions, and attending once-a-year events that fill our calendars from the end of October into the new year. We also carry around a high level of expectation for…

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You’ve worked hard all year and you deserve time off during the holiday season.  Most private practice owners find themselves working longer hours and more days to accommodate Joe Public’s desire to get years’ worth of work completed before their holiday party or insurance benefits lapse.  You take the onslaught of patients now for fear…

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