Types of Stress
When People Know Better,They Do Better
There are three different types of stress that impact all of us on a regular basis. They manifest in simple tasks like driving in traffic or waiting on test results to major transitions, such as your kids moving away to making career altering decisions. Whether you’re a supervisor, entry level, or CEO, when any team member is feeling stressed it directly impacts customer acquisition, employee engagement, production, and profits.
Don’t fool yourself, stress in any area of your life can and does limit your potential for success. Know the three types of stress people experience so you can develop the right plan for you. When you know the type of stress you are under, you will be able to manage it better.
1. Situational Stress
Situational stress is made up from those events, activities, or situations that occur in your daily life that bring out your stress response. Here is what to know:
- Most common form of stress in a person’s life
- Feeling of little or no control over the activities, events, or situations which enhances the stress load
- Use of words like ‘stuck’ or ‘have no choice’ when discussing situational stressors
- Can easily be the cause for overwhelm, frustration, and depression
- Typically has a timeframe structure to the stressor (start/stop, beginning/end, first/last)
Working Long Hours
Difficult People or Conflict
Marriage or Relationship
Family or Kids
Staff, Meetings, or Job/Positions
Bills, Budgeting, or Finances
2. Psychological Stress
Psychological stress is feeling unequipped to handle a situation, or thinking in a negative or exaggerated way about the past, present or perceived future. Here is what to know:
- Most difficult stress to identify and reduce
- Completely self-induced and dependent on your paradigm
- Influenced by your upbringing and environment
- Takes place completely in your mind and manifests through your thoughts and words
- Feeling justified and ‘right’ which limits potential for resolution
- Use of words like ‘you don’t understand’ or ‘it’s true/a fact’ when discussing stressors
- Can easily be attributed to anxiety and anger disorders
Low Self-Esteem or Insecurities
Lack of Social Acceptance
Reduced Self-Worth
Fears & Doubt
Self-Deprecating Language
3. Physiological Stress
Physiological stress is the way your body physically responds to stress that creates unhealthy and/or harmful consequences. Here is what to know:
- Most ignored or unnoticed type of stress
- Directly associated with well-bring
- Has physical consequences on our nervous, endocrine, and immune systems
- Cumulative effects can cause serious damage to health
- Can be both internal, automatic reactions to stress or external habits used to cope with stress
- Can have short and long term effects on the body
Alcohol or Drug Use
Excessive Exercise
Over/Under Eating