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Self-confidence is trust in yourself, your abilities, and your judgment. One set of experiments comparing the accuracy of men and women on a test showed that “confident people, regardless of their gender, tended to be more accurate.” The factors influencing self-confidence include: What you are already good at. If you are given the freedom to choose…

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As defined by researchers at the National Institutes of Health, emotional intelligence is “the rudder for feeling, thinking, learning, problem-solving, and decision-making” and is related to a person’s ability to judge and control their own emotional reactions. The greater your ability to identify and understand your own and others’ emotions and to regulate your emotional…

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Hand reaching

Anyone can set a goal: “My team will make a billion dollars in sales.” The question is, can the goal be achieved? Achievable goals have several common characteristics. They are in line with the company’s mission, values, and strategy. They are specific and measurable.  The needed resources are available (trained people, sales leads). They have…

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Business, counseling, and leadership professionals are available to help when you become stuck. SMaRT coping strategies include reaching out for help, without hesitating because of what other people might think or worrying about appearing weak.  It is important to find the right person to work with you. You need someone who understands confidentiality; is fair,…

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A technology leader received a promotion to manager reflecting his excellent skills, his ability to build relationships with clients and teams, and his sense of what the company needed. After six months, he requested a demotion back to his old level: he hated administration and needed to be closer to the work. That leader knew…

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Mindfulness guides, counselors, and coaches are all too familiar with the feeling of “not quite good enough.” As spouses, parents, children, and members of the community, the team at JBPartners encounters all the same reasons to blame ourselves—and others—for being not quite good enough. And like everyone else, we often don’t recognize our missteps or…

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Physician and author Sandra Dalton-Smith recommends seven types of rest: physical, mental, social, creative, emotional, spiritual, and sensory. That is, you have seven routes to restoring your mental, emotional, and physical health. If you repeatedly continue to the point of exhaustion, you may suffer fatigue, loss of concentration, wild emotional reactions, an inability to come…

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Everyone feels anxiety sometimes. The signs of anxiety include trouble sleeping, uncontrolled worrying, gastrointestinal problems, rapid heartbeat and breathing, sweating, restlessness, tension, and panic. You are more likely to experience anxiety if it runs in your family or if you suffered a trauma or have ongoing stress (say, over a child, a reorganization at work,…

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The way you sleep, the hours you sleep per night, and the quality of your sleep all affect your health and your ability to ward off stress. Even our SMaRT techniques work better if you are able to concentrate, fight off fatigue, and feel self-confident. The good news is, the small changes recommended here will…

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