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Workplace Stress

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Understand Workplace Stress

Workplace stress is the harmful physical and emotional responses employees experience when presented with work demands and pressures that don’t match their knowledge and abilities and they are limited in their resources which challenges their ability to cope.

Stress occurs in a wide range of work circumstances but is often made worse when employees feel they have little support from supervisors and colleagues, as well as little control over work processes.

The Facts About Workplace Stress


35% of people worldwide said they experienced stress during "a lot of the day yesterday" in 2019.


80% of workers feel stress on the job and over half say they need help learning how to manage their stress.


40% of workers surveyed reported that their job is “very" or "extremely stressful”.


A 10 percent increase in working overtime results in a 2.4 percent decrease in productivity.


The largest excess healthcare costs were due to high job demands (totaling $46 billion annually).


40% of job turnover is due to stress - to replace the employee costs 120-200% of the salary of the position affected.

Know Workplace Stress

Learn the types of stress at work and what the triggers are that produce it.


Assess Workplace Stress

Know your stress levels at work to put together a stress plan.


Reduce Workplace Stress

We have foolproof coping skills to help you reduce stress at work.

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