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Lately, the words “active listening” have made inroads where before “feedback” reigned alone. Combining active listening with feedback often leads to the best possible outcome for all the parties involved in problem-solving or decision making. Each approach alone has advantages and disadvantages. The Advantages and Disadvantages of Feedback Feedback is a reaction to a current…

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For both individuals and teams, the primary aim of coaching or mentoring is to increase their potential for success in their professional lives. As a leader, your role in the coaching or mentoring relationship depends quite a bit on whether you are the giver or receiver. Coaching or Mentoring an Individual Mentoring is a much…

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I have had the great fortune of working with incredible business leaders, in both corporate America and small business, throughout my career as a consultant, coach and trainer. Over the last few years, there has been an increasing trend for leaders to observe their direct reports and openly, honestly, directly and, almost brutally, provide feedback…

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The day after a massive layoff, an executive scheduled a meeting with the talent remaining in his organization. At the meeting he said, “You were retained because you are the best of the best. You don’t have to fear that you’ll be laid off.” He then ended the meeting. The individuals at the meeting never…

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When we speak to other people who know our language, we assume they hear what we are saying. But often, our words are communicating one thing and our facial expressions or gestures are communicating another; or perhaps the listener has heard those words before in a different context and is applying past experience to the…

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The best way to deal with bad reviews is to drown them out with lots of good ones. But it doesn’t seem as easy as it sounds. Platforms such as Google, YELP, and Facebook all rely on secret formulas to calculate out your final social score. What’s worse, is those bad reviews seem to stay…

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Obviously when you’ve been doing something, like talking, for as long as you have, of course you have got to be good at it.  It’s a no brainer.  It’s talking.  Do it every day, with hundreds of people.  You can probably talk a person’s ear off.   Reality check… there is a significant difference between…

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Difficult conversations usually mean bad news for at least one person, and they affect both the teller and the receiver of the news. Both people in the person the conversation experience a variety of emotions, including regret at having to speak, relief at getting the conversation over, and unhappiness at the result. How do you…

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