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Increasing & Decreasing Stress

Physiological Stress Busters

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How you’re are increasing & decreasing stress. Let’s understand that physiological stress is the least type of stress recognized by most people. The main reason for this is because what causes most physiological stress is often the exact behaviors people use to reduce their situational and psychological stress. By participating in unhealthy and ineffective habits, you are actually INCREASING your stress levels, not reducing them.

Break the cycle and recognize what habits you are engaging in that are counterproductive to your goal of stress reduction. Here are a few ways you are increasing & decreasing stress.

Contributing Habits to Physiological Stress

Extreme and/or Excessive Exercise
Walking away from confrontation or conflict
Self-injurious behavior (cutting, hitting, etc.)
Abnormal sleep patterns (sleeping too much, too little, etc.)
Prolonged periods of electronics (TV, computer, phone, iPad, etc.)
Unstable eating (too little, too much, emotional, strange food addictions, etc.)
Unbalanced sex life (too little, too much, risky encounters, illegal actions, etc.)

Healthy Habits to Decrease Your Stress

Fierce conversations
Direct confrontations
Just say no to drugs
Restful, nights sleep
Limited alcohol intake
Varied exercise regime
Open (and safe) intimacy
Balanced nutritional program

It’s easier said than done to change your habits. Some of them are highly addictive while others so deeply rooted into our daily routines we wouldn’t know what else to do in their place.

When starting a behavioral change

1) Start with what will make the biggest impact. When we have evidence that our hard work is paying off often keep going.
2) Start with the easiest. Sometimes the thought of making changes is too overwhelming itself and paralyzes us. Small, easy changes eventually add up and make great differences.
3) Start with where you have support. Changing unhealthy habits alone can be difficult, starting them with a loved one or supportive friends can be very doable.
4) Start with the one you have access to the most resources. There are many services and programs available that can offer you structure, information, and tips.


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Also. reach out to me if you are interested in a consultation.

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Note: If you have thoughts of hurting yourself and/or others, please call the national suicide prevention hotline at 1-800-273-8255 immediately.

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Rest from Stress, powered by JB Partners, is committed to teaching Stress Management and Resilience Training through the immersive Rest Membership, interactive workshops, invigorating speaking engagements, and personal business coaching. Our passion is to teach others how to lead a life with less stress and more fulfillment.


3218 E. Bell Rd, #14, Phoenix, AZ 85032