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AA of Stress Management

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Your ability to manage stress is equal to the number of tools, resources, and coping methods you can tap into to navigate your stressors. This is easily done when stressors happen one at a time or when a trigger is perceived as a minor threat.  Utilizing common coping methods such as deep breathing or relaxation can be adequate in keeping the stress at a manageable level.

When stress triggers start to pile on like an exciting game of Janga or the stressor is a major shift (loss, grief, transition, etc), the typical, singular coping method is not enough to keep you from approaching your stress threshold- that imaginary line when you go from handling your stress to where you snap.  When you find yourself in these kinds of stressful situations, turn to AA.

Avert and Avoid are two effective coping methods to use when you feel as if you can’t take one more thing on your proverbial plate.  A myth in stress management is that you have to deal with everything you have going impacting your stress levels head-on.  This isn’t always the best route.  Sometimes the intentional decision to avert a stress trigger or to avoid it altogether is a healthy approach for long-term sustainability in effective stress management.


Averting a stress trigger means you consciously, temporarily step back from a situation/event/mental dilemma to give your body and brain some needed rest while you take the time to plan and prepare. Imagine trying to get fit and working out at the gym non-stop, all day, every day. It’s not possible to keep it up for long until your whole body breaks down and collapses. It’s the same principle happening to the internal systems of your body when you have high-stress levels. Your stress cycle gets turned on by your stress triggers and due to the number or severity of the stressor, it doesn’t get shut off. It’s spinning and spinning, flooding your blood with cortisol and adrenaline. Your internal systems eventually break down and collapse, leading to chronic health conditions.

Here are some key steps to avert stressors successfully:

  • Be intentional in which stressor you are averting. If you can’t articulate it, it won’t happen.
  • There is no timeframe of when you have to return to manage the stressor, just that you do.
  • Averting a stressor is only temporary. Keep in mind you will be coming back to it eventually.
  • The point of averting is to plan and prepare. Be sure to answer the following questions:
    •             What is it about this stressor that I can’t manage right now?
    •             What behaviors do I need to put into place so when I return to this stressor it won’t overwhelm me?
    •             How can I think or view this stressor differently so that I am not hurt/threatened by it?
    •             What tools and resources do I have to help me navigate through this stressor?
    •             What tools and resources can I add that will help me?


Some stressors are so damaging to our health and lifestyle that it is best to avoid them altogether. Sometimes it’s easy to remove a stressor from our daily routines; leaving the house 30 minutes earlier to avoid morning traffic. Other times it’s very difficult; deciding to end a relationship that has turned emotionally, physically, or mentally harmful. Remember, avoiding stress isn’t the goal. Managing and navigating it is. Using avoidance on a regular basis as a coping tool will do more harm than good. Choose it wisely.

To decide if a stressor should be avoided, answer the following:

  • What reaction to this stressor warrants me avoiding it?
  • If I avoid this stressor, how will I replace it with a positive behavior?
  • When I avoid this stressor, what possible ramifications will there be? How can I prepare myself for the fallout?
  • Are there others that will be impacted by me avoiding this stressor? How can I prepare them?
  • If this stressor does pop up again, what is my Plan B? How will I navigate it at the moment?

The AA is coping methods people don’t often allow themselves the luxury of using. They can be highly effective while also giving you the time necessary to build strength and make plans to navigate them.

If this was helpful, let me know!  

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Note: If you have thoughts of hurting yourself and/or others, please call the national suicide prevention hotline at 1-800-273-8255 immediately.

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Rest from Stress, powered by JB Partners, is committed to teaching Stress Management and Resilience Training through the immersive Rest Membership, interactive workshops, invigorating speaking engagements, and personal business coaching. Our passion is to teach others how to lead a life with less stress and more fulfillment.


3218 E. Bell Rd, #14, Phoenix, AZ 85032