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The Vision Statement

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Your Mission Statement helps you focus on your actions. Your Vision Statement clarifies where you’re headed. If you’ve ever been stressed because you feel stuck and going nowhere in life, it’s because you lack a Vision Statement.

Your vision statement answers the following questions:

  1. Where are we going?
  2. How will we get there?
  3. What will we do along the way?

“If you want to have more, achieve more, get more, make more so you can spend more, you have to want to BE more than your current self.”- Jen Butler

Your vision statement should:

  • Inspire, motivate, and energize yourself and all members connected to your organization.
  • Set the tone for everyone connected to you and the organization.
  • Define the future (5-10 years out) and how success will be measured.
  • Describe how people’s lives will be improved.
  • State how members will make the world a better place.
  • Be audacious, bold, and make a product of thinking BIG!
  • Provide a graphic, mental image so every person can envision the journey about to be taken.

Three types of vision statements:

  1. Quantitative – Having to do with money, location (state, regional, world domination), global


Microsoft A computer on every desk in every home; all running Microsoft software.

Tesla – To create the most compelling car company of the 21st century by driving the world’s transition to electric vehicles.

  1. Competitive – Focusing on out-doing other companies within the same


Ford –  To become the world’s most trusted company, designing smart vehicles for a smart world.

Honda (1970) We will destroy Yamaha.

  1. Superlative – related to ranking (#1, The Best, Most Powerful)


Nike – To be the number one athletic company in the world.

JB Partners Empowering people worldwide to Know-Assess-Reduce their stress by going from BS excuses to “HOLY SH*T!” moments.

ACTIVITY: Complete Activity A and/or Activity B

Click here to complete these activities. 

Activity A: Your Cover Page


Step 1: Answer this question, “In ten years we will be on the cover of                                       magazine.”

Step 2: Gather all essential people connected to the organization (staff, family, close friends, colleagues for a half-day meeting.

Step 3: Bring a variety of professional (industry related) and general magazines that can be cut up, including several of your choice magazine from Step 1. Also bring markers, pens, pencils, scissors, tape, small poster board and glue.

Step 4: Answer this question, “When we make the cover page of                                                      , what will be the headline? What will we be famous for?” Remember, think audacious!

Step 5: Create your own cover page replicating the magazine from Step 1 and include the information you thought of from Step 4. Use cut outs from magazines to bring it to life.

Step 6: From your visual image, write your vision statement on the lines below.


Activity B: Vision Statement Formula- Business

Step 1: Fill in the blanks.

Within the next                                                            (number) years, grow                        (organization name) into the premier                                                                                                          (describe organization) increasing revenue to                                       ($) by                              (date) providing (describe products/services) to                                                         (customers).


Within the next ten years, grow JB Partners into the premier, global stress management organization increasing revenue to $100 billion by 2030 providing SMaRT programs to private-practice owners that serves as a catalyst for change, reduces stress, and allows for heightened self-awareness of all individuals involved.

Vision Statement Formula- Personal/Family

Step 1: Fill in the blanks.

Within the next             (number) years, I/we will                         (verb- grow, change, learn, etc.)                                     (your dream result) by leveraging my                ,                       , and                                     (strengths). This will bring me                                       (emotion- joy, peace, passion, etc.) because I will be living my core values of                                     ,                       , and                                     while serving                            (who) by                                   (doing what).


Within the next one year, I will complete all requirements necessary for the nursing program by leveraging my time management, determination, and resourcefulness. This will bring me joy because I will be living my core values of compassion, challenge, and responsibility while service people struggling with cancer by providing them with love, dignity, and exceptional care at their most difficult times.

Within the next five years we will develop a positive family dynamic that is adventurous and debt-free by leveraging our discipline, adaptability, and connectedness. This will bring us all bliss and passion  because we will be living our core values of boldness, fun, and knowledge while serving local communities throughout the US by volunteering to build houses and dig wells.

Can you see where each tribe is going with each of their Vision Statements and what they will do for whom?  When written well and with the intention of actually following them, Vision Statements are extremely motivating and can bring you to places you truly dream about.

Key Takeaways

Your vision statement should answer the following questions:

1. Where are we going?
2. How will we get there?
3. What will we do along the way?

And, your vision statement should:
- Inspire, motivate, and energize yourself and all members connected to your organization.
- Set the tone for everyone connected to you and the organization.
- Define the future (5-10 years out) and how success will be measured.
- Describe how people’s lives will be improved.
- State how members will make the world a better place.
- Be audacious, bold, and make a product of thinking BIG!
- Provide a graphic, mental image so every person can envision the journey about to be taken.

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