Knowledge, Abilities, Skills… Oh My
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What makes great leaders great is their deep understanding and acceptance that no one does everything well and no one has to. They see strengths as something to be leveraged and gaps as something to be filled. There is no one knowledge point, ability or skill better than another and no lack of one that is worse. People are not put on pedestals for the knowledge, abilities, or skills they possess nor begrudged for what they lack. Great leaders embrace that it is the collective knowledge, abilities, and skills of the entire team that moves the tribe towards success, not the individual parts.
Before you can intentionally leverage your strengths and fill in your gaps, you first have to acknowledge your current situation.
ACTIVITY: Current K.A.S.
Click here to download “Current K.A.S.”
Step 1: Brainstorm as many current knowledge points, abilities, and skills you possess that correlate to your leadership style.
NOTE: Although this activity can be used in a broader sense, for this purpose you want to keep it a narrow focus towards leadership.
Step 2: Go back and rank yourself using the scale 1-10 with 1 being poor and 10 being excellent for each K.A.S. If you are wavering, err on the side of a lower ranking.
Step 3: As in the previous activity, anything 9 and higher is a strength and you should celebrate. Go ahead, we’ll wait! Now add these to the Strengths box on your PDP. Any item you ranked an 8 or fewer, list under Gaps.
Step 4: As in the previous activity, anything 9 and higher is a strength and you should celebrate. Go ahead, we’ll wait! Now add these to the Strengths box on your PDP. Any item you ranked an 8 or fewer, list under Gaps.
Step 5: IMPORTANT: Remember to SAVE the document when you have finished.
Key Takeaways
Great leaders embrace that it is the collective knowledge, abilities, and skills of the entire team that moves the tribe towards success, not the individual parts. Before you can intentionally leverage your strengths and fill in your gaps, you first have to acknowledge your current situation. You'll brainstorm your knowledge, abilities, and skills through the "Current K.A.S." activity!