Leadership Competencies
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Competencies are the defined and integrated knowledge, capabilities, skills, judgment, attitudes, and attributes (values, morals, ethics) leaders need to perform their job effectively. Where job descriptions define the role a person takes within the position, competencies describe the person in the position. Competencies aid in identifying and documenting clear values, behaviors, and characteristics that are necessary to be successful in each role.
Why competencies?
As a leader, you have a job description that outlines the title, duties, responsibilities, and primary focus for each role. This overview is important to building a staffing framework for the business. What is often overlooked are the detailed, key elements and personal characteristics and unique, personal traits necessary to be successful in that role. What are missing are the competencies.
According to W. Rothwell and J. Graber, “Research suggests that some individuals may be 20 times more productive than others when competencies are identified.” Although there is no guarantee of such an increase, having clear competencies help people move in the right direction.
This is true for your position in the family, office, committee, or where ever else you take on the leader role. It is important to ensure you have a job description and a clear outline of competencies necessary for the leader. Leadership competencies must be an essential component and focus.
The first step in cultivating your Leadership Style is to know what leadership competencies are required to make your position successful. The following activity is designed to help you gain clarity around leadership competencies as well as identify your strengths and gaps.
ACTIVITY: Leadership Competency Scale
Click here to download the “Leadership Competency Scale”
Step 1: Click the button above to download the Leadership Competency Scale
Step 2: Read each competency carefully. Based on the description and identified behaviors, rate yourself on a scale of 1-5 using the key below. 1= Emerging 2= Developing 3= Progressing 4= Partial Mastery 5= Mastery
Step 3: Complete the questions on page 13.
Step 4: Add the information to your Personal Development Plan.
Step 5: IMPORTANT: Remember to SAVE the document when you have finished.
Key Takeaways
The first step in cultivating your Leadership Style is to know what leadership competencies are required to make your position successful. Complete the "Leadership Competency Scale" activity to discover your leadership style and competencies.